Let's Talk About it

Okay so I've discussed my project with my classmates, and they've given me some pretty useful feedback.

First off, everyone in the group really liked my magazine name. . . after I explained it to them. This may pose a slight problem since I won't be around to explain my title to every possible consumer, but hey, maybe they'll catch on quicker than the people in my group. Their eventual reaction solidified my love for the title, so that is something I'm definitely keeping.

The group also appreciated my goal to create cool, out-of-the-box looks for my magazine. We discussed how many teen style lookbooks are monotonous, and portray teen style in the same basic, unexciting manner. However, we agreed that in this day in age, teen style can be quite avant-garde, especially given the rather recent spike in people our age who have gained an interest in the fashion world and invested in pieces like Yeezies or Supreme paraphernalia.

When I told them I wanted to do fun looks, but on a budget, they suggested shopping for pieces of my wardrobe at Goodwill or the Salvation Army. This would help me save on my budget for the production plus, as they were quick to note, "vintage is in." Thus, I think I will stop by my local thrift stores and see if I can find anything that sparks my inspiration, and that I can build a whole look around for my cover. Isabella, my classmate, mentioned that sometimes when she thrifts, she finds the best items in the men's section. So, when I visit the thrift stores, I have to remember to not shy away from the men's section.

Another notable takeaway from the meeting was suggestions for locations for my cover shoot. Callie, another one of my classmates, suggested going to the Miami Art District. I was thinking Wynwood or downtown Fort Lauderdale before, but I was apprehensive of not finding unique locations at these places that people visit often. Thus, the suggestion was super refreshing since I had not even thought about going there. I am happy to hear of a place that I don't hear too many people talk of often so my cover setting has the potential of being new and exotic, and not something that is on the feeds of all of my classmate's Instagram home pages. As soon as I can, I plan on making my way down there to check out some sites and see if I can shoot my cover there. A concern is the distance, but I do not think that I want to shoot anywhere in Weston because of the lack of ideal artistic settings that I am looking for so I would have to travel anyways.

When explaining my want for showcasing diversity through my cover page, I got many affirmations by my classmates who were also tired of seeing the same old representation when it comes to models portrayed by the media. Thus, I think it is very important that I stick with utilizing a model of color who challenges the industry norms.

Overall, I think the meeting went very well and gave me confidence that I am on the right track. I really benefited from saying my ideas out loud, and getting feedback and an audience's reaction. I enjoyed this so much so, that I will probably continue to check in with my peers to test my ideas on a new pair of ears.
