Weston's Next Top Model Episode 2

This week, I continued my pursuit for a cover model. Before branching out, I wanted to fully exhaust the resources that I was already familiar with. So, next up in my list of possible candidates is my other close friend Stefanie. 

Me and Stefanie did the same thing I did last weekend with Juliana. Stef packed a bunch of clothes and we headed out to downtown Fort Lauderdale to do a little mock photo shoot. I wanted to see how Stef acted in front of a camera, and how she looked photographed. I borrowed Juliana's camera again, since I partially learned how to use it last weekend. To fill in the gaps where Juliana helped out last weekend, I looked at this article, to learn some of the settings. 

Again, I was really happy with the result of this experiment. Some of my favorite shots are shown above. Stef worked really well in both close-up and mid shots, so that allows me to try out different looks when planning my cover. I don't want to be limited by one specific shot, so it's cool that I have the option to try more dynamic looks like close-ups, and have it actually look good.

Another benefit of using Stef as my cover model is it allows me to show diversity in my publication representation. Stef would allow me to cross two representation thresholds that are typically not represented in the modeling industry since she is both Asian and not stick thin. This article  shows just how much the industry lacks diversity, reporting that 78% of models in the major agencies are White. Many times, the typical portrayal of models are those who are skinny to the point of concern and without a touch of color on their body. Stef is none of these.

From the beginning, I wanted to showcase diversity through my magazine and break industry archetypes. If I went with Stef, I would accomplish this by showing that fashion models can come in any shape, size or color. I want to encourage both diversity and body positivity, and Stef would help me do both of this.

Disadvantages of this choice, however, would be that Stef has less experience with make-up than Juliana (but still some) and does not have any knowledge of camera settings. Still, both of these potential issues could be solved if Juliana helps out with model make-up regardless of if she is in front of the camera, and if I can learn enough about cameras in time for the big shoot. Either way, the shoot encouraged me that I wanted to use a model of color that breaks industry conventions and shows that models don't have to all look the same. Especially since I want to style bold looks, I want to have a model who has an unique look. 
